Friday, July 17, 2009

The Haunting of Connecticut

It has been such a very long time that I watched a horror film that I actually enjoyed. Not once during this film did I sigh or roll my eyes, which is extremely rare! It did not keep me enthralled and riveted completely; I did find the gumption to text others my excitement (you know who you are) throughout the film. Even more exciting, it is based off of a true story.

Ok, so there is a family that has a older son that has cancer and rather than travel miles and hours frequently for his treatment, they purchase a house close by. Due to the seriousness of the situation it was a spur of the moment purchase without many questions. While preparing the house for occupation, they find that the house used to be a funeral parlor complete with an embalming room in the basement next to which the son decides to make his bedroom. Random events happen and the son thinks it is due to the treatments that he is seeing things as that is a known side effect. During a game of hide and seek, the kids find photos that show that the house wasn't just a funeral home, it was also a place reknowned for seances with a powerful child medium. The owner of the home dabbled in necroism to make the child's powers strongers. The child became so strong that he blew up everyone during a particular seance and cremated himself. Now the house is possessed and needs to be cleaned. I am not going to say more about the plot as the unknowns are what makes the movie fascinating.

The haunting scenes were wonderfully vivid and thought provoking. It kept me on the edge of my seat while things were going on and there were so many parts where I gave many different phrases of exclamations. I am positive that the real events were not as dramatic but bravo. I would actively watch this again at my own expense instead of haphazerdly keep it on in the background just because it was on as I do with some shows;I would even almost put this on my desert island movie list!

Loved it! Here is the IMDB info!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Unborn

For the record, I love me some haunted horror movies (please see my bio!) The trailer for this had some great effects. We throw in the DVD, there is no introduction or character development, the movie opens while the story is all ready in progress. Within the first fifteen minutes of this film, the actress sleeps in the buff, takes a shower, has a sex scene and goes into the bathroom in her boycut underwear twice. Let's get those pesky nude/risque scenes out of the way first before we even develop a plot. Speaking of which, this plot had more holes in it than a homeless guy's whitey tighties. It all starts with her eyes starting to go from brown to blue because some kid she is babysitting hits her with a compact mirror he was making his infant sibling look at. The little boy she halucinates about is her dead great uncle who, along with his twin, her grandmother, was part of some testing done on Jews during the Holocaust. He died during it and some undead spirit takes his body so grandma has to kill him. The main girl in the story is haunted by dreams of the boy, dogs, fetuses and her mother. Her mother committed suicide while in an insane asylum. She finds her grandmother at the same asylum (?) who tells her to get some Hebrew book that she needs to get translated and an exorcism by Rabbi Gary Oldman. At first he doesn't believe her until he sees the upside down headed dog. So, he says he will help her but he has to get a Christian preacher to help out. Here's the best part and this is where you can see they TRIED to put a story into it. The preacher asks for ID and to fill out forms for the exorcisim. I swear it. Both Gary Oldman and I chuckled at that one. Now, grandma says that the spirit wants her because it likes twins after having her brother. So.. why is it going after the girl instead of grandma? She's still one of a twin and just as much so as the girl is. The spirit does kill grandma with the upside down head guy crawling up the stairs. Oh, the girl's best friend is killed by the babysitting kid with a knife but only after she hits him with her car while he was riding his big wheel. They go the exorcism (which I think is in the same asylum place which is completely empty now?) for which everyone dies except for Gary and the girl and they are free, right? No, the totally forseeable ending is she is pregnant with twins. What a twist. (Note the sarcasm)
This is what I like to call a jump film. It goes out of it's way to get you to jump. It got me twice (and I don't normally jump at films), one included a wahh! and it got an OMG in a spot too. The haunted parts in the film were GOOD! At the end... DAMMIT! It's a Michael Bay! Curses! No wonder it had no story and good effects! Fie fie fie. That was a bigger twist then the actual ending of the film.

Here's the info if you really want to see it. Just don't expect too much. My advice, fast forward to the haunted spots and then walk away. Oh, also rent this if you want to see Charles Miner (the temporary Regional Manager of Scranton Branch of The Office) get beamed with a pipe!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hey everyone, this is a call out to the Book Butterfly, Kim! Through her site, which is posted under my blog list, I won a free copy of Evernight by Claudia Gray! Wooooot!

Blue Moon-Second book of the Immortals-Alyson Noel

All right, this blog is actually over due. Even though the book came out on July 7th I got it last week. I forgot that I pre-ordered it! So, what a lovely surprise when it came (and I just love surprises!)

The first book in this series is called Evermore. I adored that one. This series is actually up there in my top ten of all time so far along with Harry Potter and the Ugly series.

Since I am bringing up Harry, the way that Blue Moon went reminded me of the way that the Potter books played out. There was always something that he had to get over by himself because everyone abandoned him. Poor Ever, you would think she could find some happiness now that she has come to some kind of terms with losing her family (and dog, never forget Buttercup), Drina shall bother her no more, she won't have to keep going through the incarnation cycle anymore and she can now spend eternity with dreamy and adoring Damen! That boy makes my heart patter he's so cute. Now if she can just seal the deal and do the dirty deed with him after waiting hundreds of years. Suddenly, there is a new kid that is sitting with the gang at lunch and she just gets the hebbie jebbies from him. Something just does not sit right with her even though he is going out of his way to gain her acceptance. After a couple of days of spending lunch with him he claims that he is going to do away with the high school chaste system and everyone is going to live in harmony. Though it sounds fantastic there are still some sceptisims with the idea for Ever. Imagine her surprise when it actually happens! Even her bosom buddies are over there and wait... is that Damen making out with Stacia? And is that an aura that Ever sees around him? Damen has forgotten all of his past lives and calls Ever a stalker, a freak and a spaz. Oh boy, Damen couldn't have broken my heart more. Roman is the only one that actually talks to her but she doesn't buy what he's selling. Like every heroine when their hero that has vowed undying love to her but has now turned his back on her, she has to get to the bottom of this. With the help of Ava, the helpful psychic, she figures out how to get into Summerland, where she meets two catholic school girl twins. They guide her to a hall of information where she learns that Damen is being poisoned, is slowly dying, the formula to the antidote and.. wait.. a chance to turn back time and return to her family?

Will Ever go back to before her family died, forgoe being an Immortal and forget about Damen or will she choose true love? And what is up with Roman?

This was a can not put down, must read voraciously, heart wrenching and wonderfully intriguing story. I love the duality of the charactors and how the story simply flows. It has all the ingredients for a winning story: romance, mystery, villiany, adverse events and difficult choices. When I become emotionally involved with a story, good show!

I can't wait for the next one, Shadowlands, which is projected towards the beginning of next year.

Here's the site and I so encourage everyone to pick it up.