Friday, July 17, 2009

The Haunting of Connecticut

It has been such a very long time that I watched a horror film that I actually enjoyed. Not once during this film did I sigh or roll my eyes, which is extremely rare! It did not keep me enthralled and riveted completely; I did find the gumption to text others my excitement (you know who you are) throughout the film. Even more exciting, it is based off of a true story.

Ok, so there is a family that has a older son that has cancer and rather than travel miles and hours frequently for his treatment, they purchase a house close by. Due to the seriousness of the situation it was a spur of the moment purchase without many questions. While preparing the house for occupation, they find that the house used to be a funeral parlor complete with an embalming room in the basement next to which the son decides to make his bedroom. Random events happen and the son thinks it is due to the treatments that he is seeing things as that is a known side effect. During a game of hide and seek, the kids find photos that show that the house wasn't just a funeral home, it was also a place reknowned for seances with a powerful child medium. The owner of the home dabbled in necroism to make the child's powers strongers. The child became so strong that he blew up everyone during a particular seance and cremated himself. Now the house is possessed and needs to be cleaned. I am not going to say more about the plot as the unknowns are what makes the movie fascinating.

The haunting scenes were wonderfully vivid and thought provoking. It kept me on the edge of my seat while things were going on and there were so many parts where I gave many different phrases of exclamations. I am positive that the real events were not as dramatic but bravo. I would actively watch this again at my own expense instead of haphazerdly keep it on in the background just because it was on as I do with some shows;I would even almost put this on my desert island movie list!

Loved it! Here is the IMDB info!

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