Tuesday, June 23, 2009

City of Bones-Cassandra Clare

Folks, I am going to be completely honest on this one. I just couldn't finish it. I normally try to muck through a book if it doesn't hold my attention if I have an inkling of an interest in the story; I normally want to see where it goes and achieve a sense of finality with the book. I feel guilty when I can't finish a book. Not with this one. This book put me to sleep more times that NyQuil could. Let me tell you about the story and then I shall share my thoughts with you.
So, the book is about a girl named Clarissa, or Clary. It's a normal night at the underage club, some boy with blue spiked hair grabs her attention and then she sees him go into a closet with a girl.. followed by two shadowed guys. Naturally, she follows them, especially when she sees they have knives. She watches as they kill him and then finds the murderers astonished that she can see them. See, the boy with blue spikes was a demon and the girl and two guys are called Shadowhunters and mundies (that is mundane humans) are not supposed to see them. She is simply entranced by one of the guys, Jace, and finds him stalking her the next day and interrupts a love confession from Simon, her best friend. During their discussion she receives a frantic call from her mother (whom she had just had a fight with) and rushes home. Upon entering the house she finds it a mess and is attacked by some centipede/scorpion demon thing. Jace seems to pop up outta no where through out this story. Of course he saves her, she goes unconcious, yadda yadda. I got up to where they find that her mother was a Shadowhunter on the run with an item called the Mortal Cup, which makes more Shadowhunters, and an ex-Shadowhunter wants the cup so he can become the Hitler of humans and wipe out all demons so the blood is purified.
The story has promise, it just seemed contrived. The characters and their actions seemed unrealistic (as unrealistic as can be in a Sci Fi/Fantasy book), the whole story felt forced and the story line was very, very thin, especially when it came to how the events came together. The only way I would have held on is if there was a believable romance between Clary and Jace, but that seemed strained as well. I tried my hardest as this is a trilogy but just could not do it.

Here's my little secret: I am not a synopsis reader. I will scan through it and if it catches my interest, I dig in. I do not like spoilers and love to be surprised. Just a little insight.

Anyways, here is a link to the trilogy if you want to give it a shot. What's good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the gander.

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