Monday, June 22, 2009

TrueBlood-'Keep This Party Going'

Man oh man am I adoring this series! This is a very rare thing for me. If I have read the books and if the television/movie differs, it normally infuriates me and I have nothing to do with it. Maybe it is because I started watching the series first and panted for more when the first season was over so I read the books. I do enjoy the books much better but I still love the series. This series, whether in the TV or in text, is one series that overcomes my prudish mindset and has me begging for more! Hats off for Charlaine Harris for giving us Sookie and all the scamps in Bon Temps. This is another heroine that I just fell in love with from the get go. She is spunky and tough as nails and needs no one to define her!
So, here it is, the second episode in the second series. It starts off with Eric finishing his meal and then worried if there is blood in his hair for Pam shall not be too pleased. Tee hee hee, very cute, but I still can't really see him becoming the fun loving man in the book yet. Ah, Lafayette, you who were supposed to be in Andy's car, the vamps have found you instead. No tribute to the Maenad for him! I so enjoy this character and I am very glad he got so much more in the series than in the book. Too bad those at Fangtasia can't use his information to any good, for the time being. Here we are introduced to the storyline from book 2, there is a vamp in Dallas by the name of Godfrey that has gone missing. I won't reveal who he is to those who have not read the book.
Cut to the Compton bedroom. Yes.. those of us with children would have all ready thought what our Sookie just came up with; 'How could we have banished our facade while there is a teenager in the house?' and they left the bedroom door wide open! Guess learning to be a vamp is not the only thing Jessica is learning.
Guh, here is the snooooze part of the show: Jason and the Fellowship of the Light. This is so out of Jason's character that I growl while having to sit through this part of the plot. Sure, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed but he would never give up the drinking or the women, he doesn't have the will power! I was pleasantly surprised to see how they were going to introduce the Newlins after announcing the death of the family in episode 1 in the first season. So, blah blah blah, Jason is at the camp in Dallas. They play some flag football and then we have some play acting with Sarah Newlin about vampire sympathizers, which blows our poor little simple Jason's mind. Could this have something to do with Godfrey? Oh, let's not forget that we have now put two attractive women in Jason's path. Sarah and some Miley Cyrus church girl.
Sookie stops by Merlotte's to talk to Tara. Now, Sookie's best friend doesn't show up in the books until this one and she has a bit role. She is also engaged to our boy Eggs, they went to High School together, and she owns a little clothing shop called Tara's Togs in a little strip mall Bill owns. That's really where he would have gone for Jessica's clothes.... Oh... Jessica wasn't in the book. I digress. Maryanne the Maenad is at Sam's bar and starting trouble. She has a little introduction to Sookie (Sookie this is Maryanne, Maryanne Sookie) and Sookie invites Tara to live with her.
As Tara's Togs does not exist, Bill has to go to the mall to get Jessica some moderate clothing. Here he is confronted by Eric (after some amusing flirtations by a clothing wench) and is 'asked' to bring sookie to Dallas to find Godfrey. Bill refuses.
Layfayette escapes the dungeon to be shot in the leg by Ginger, our Fang Banger that works at Fangtasia. Remember her? She was interviewed by Sook in Season 1. Now he is dinner for the Fangtasia vamps but not before asking to be made a vamp himself. Dun dun dun!
While Compton is away, the girls will play! Sook and Jessica start some bonding and Jessica talks Sookie into taking her to see her family, promising to just stay in the car and watch. When they get there though Jessica can't control her urges and goes into the house. We get a nice insight into Jessica's human life and find that Daddy is a bully, Mom has no backbone and little sis has image issues. Right before Jess gets retribution on Daddy, Bill shows up to save the day.. or did he? More cliffhanger!

Can't wait till next week!

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