Monday, June 22, 2009

The Darkest Powers Books by Kelley Armstrong

I have just finished the first two books of this trilogy and absolutely adored them. This is a wonderfully different Young Adult Supernatural series. The first book, The Summoning, starts with a girl named Chloe Saunders. She is 15 and goes to school to be a film director. Her introduction into puberty with a sighting of a ghost at school. The ghost knows that she can see him and chases her down the hall screaming at the top of her lungs. After being restrained and analyzed, she is sent to Lyle House, a place for troubled teens. There she meets other teens that are so called 'troubled' only to find that they are all part of a supernatural experiment. Chloe finds that she is a Necromancer and is joined by a Warlock, a Witch, a half demon, a Telekinetic and a Werewolf. They must escape or become terminated as a failed experiment. The second book, The Awakening, follows their exploits and escape as they find out more about the group and their past. Who can they truly trust?

I particularly love Young Adult series as they get more into the innocent then those that are geared for adults. I am most often repulsed by books that insist on having foul language and lust through out. I am also not a fan of thrillers or mysteries. I found this series to be something new and different among YA titles. Sure, it has your normal supernaturals in it but the story does not involve them going into going to a supernatural school and dealing with cliches and classes. It is teenagers on their own trying to find out what they are and others that are missing. The story kept me up way past my bedtime when I knew I had to be up in the morning, which is a great thing to say about the writing and the plot. The characters were unique and believable. I fell in love with Chloe as a heroine and could empathize with her strife. It is difficult to walk beside the protagonist in many books but I was comfortable to be right there with her. The way everyone interacted flowed nicely.

I absolutely recommend it!

To learn more about this series, visit

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